RVers seem to always be looking for sidegigs. That is why you hear about workkamping and the many odd jobs, seasonal jobs, and can even find sites dedicated to making a little extra cash.
So I set out to find some ways to make extra cash. I did my do diligence in research or so I thought.
Retired these days does not mean we get to sit on an island some where and money just falls out of the sky. Well for some it might but for the majority a little extra cash is extremely helpful.
Plus making a little income means staying “plugged in”, staying relevant, and keeping your mind young.
One topic that often comes up is the idea of taking surveys to make a little extra cash.
I searched and read the information about survey taking to make money.
These survey taking money making schemes are companies that compile data, stats and vital info for companies to be able to sell, test and market products.
You sign up to them by giving them your email and address (to send checks – Ha!) along with some demographic data about yourself.
Then you are sent surveys that you can take and you make $1, $2, $5, and other rewards for taking the surveys.
Here is what I learned.
The survey companies ask for a ridiculous amount of PERSONAL information to find out how we tick.
To be completely honest, as I continued following all the steps and jumping through all the data hoops, I began to feel real uncomfortable about them having so much information about me.
Worse, they progressively ask for more data. By the time you are on your 5th survey, you would give out WAY more info than you would have normally if that was the first survey.
Additionally, the information became increasingly obtrusive.
Red flags and alarms were going off in my brain at increasing volume.
So I decided it might not be a good fit for me and maybe I should won’t go any further in the process. I unsubscribed and thought that is that.
But wait there’s more…..
Possible fraud
A week or so after I have unsubscribed (from several services), I receive a mystery text on my phone which says:
“Hi, this is David Swillo. Your mystery survey coordinator. Your survey packet’s been delivered. Provide an update on delivery, deposit and assignment completion”
So I am thinking hmmmm I wonder what my assignment could be….. Well I check the mail and I have a priority mail envelope with a $3000 check and instructions on how to complete the “assignment”
See the attached check and letter at the bottom. The reason I am writing and sharing my experience is because this is scary and very dangerous.
I called and the check is NO GOOD. It was a fraud.
My big concern
My mom is elderly and lives on a fixed income, and struggles to really understand things sometimes. Her generation is also one that just follows rules/laws and just does what she thinks is right without really bothering to ask to many questions about things. “ I don’t want to bother people about things era”
So I shutter to think if an elderly person or someone that could really use the money and thought they were really helping went to the bank and deposited the check and headed walmart to do what they ask.
I can not say for sure that this had anything to do with survey companies for sure, but the timing is awful suspicious, just sayin……
Taking survey’s to make money for RVers is clearly a thumbs down from RV52.com