A refrigerator is SO important in a RV that taking some time to look around for the best model really makes sense. Lot of considerations to be had, but price is really the most important thing for almost everyone. So, how much does a RV Refrigerator cost? RV refrigerators are priced around 1000$ as the […]
Budget Cross Country Rental From Indiana to Alaska
Editor’s update: My friend in this article actually got stuck with a bill for repairing the LATCH on a cargo door for $850 PLUS a damage deposit of $2,500. It appears that this cross country trip has turned into a sour story for my friends. After discussing with them the RV52 end analysis – Don’t […]
Paypal Shipping – Print Postage at home – Cool Free Service
If you aren’t using Paypal Shipping, then you are probably standing in line at the post office and wasting hours and hours of your time. I see it all the time. There they are. Standing around in bunches. Huddled together for warmth, support, and sharing a common suffering. I look at their faces. They are […]
How we bought and sold our RV with a note and never lost money
This could be RV buying advice even though it is about the entire process all the way to selling the RV. I loved my RV, living in my RV, and the family we’ve become while living in that RV. But dang I was happy to see the buyer drive off in that darned thing? Why? […]
Motorhome Rental Misconceptions that hold you back
The Most Misconceived Notion about allowing your RV to be a Motorhome Rental [Note from RV52.com: This is a guest article by Stephen Dross from S&J RV Rental Consulting. RV52 was so fascinated by the idea that you could actually do something better with your RV than let it set in the storage lot that […]