Earlier I wrote an article about replacing the TTT (Tiny Texas Tumbleweed) aluminum blinds with some really nice day night pleated shades.
But I don’t think I ever explained why Sheri and I didn’t like those blinds. I thought I would post some BEFORE pictures to show you what we didn’t like and some of the things we want to change.
Here are some of the prior articles where I write about this TTT project:
- RV52.com Rides Again – Dutchmen to the rescue
- Maiden Voyage of the Tiny Texas Tumbleweed
- Replacing your RV Blinds with a Pleated Day Night RV Shade
- I went ahead and put up a how-to video page here: RV Window Treatment – RV Blinds, Shades and More
- You can get your blinds here: Pleated Day Night Shades
Check out the pictures to see what we were talking about when we wanted to swap out the aluminum blinds.
However, this list will summarize:
- We don’t like tying down the loose string for pulling up the blinds.
- We don’t like the fact that the aluminum blinds never stay in their fastener that keeps them from swinging.
- The aluminum blinds get bent.
- We never feel like we get fully privacy no matter how much we try with the aluminum blinds.
- The aluminum blinds look cheap – always.
Hope this gives you some perspective.