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Beverly Moreland says
I would like to know where the Church on the campgrounds that I have seen on the Gaither dvd. The church that Ruth desined with the steeple. I would like to have directions on how to get there. We are planning a vacation in No.Carolina around Labor day. We just want to come and see the church and any interesting sights there. Thank you very much
Marlan at Rv52 says
Beverly – let me see what I can find out.
Marlan at Rv52 says
Thank you for contacting us.
We appreciate your interest in the church that appeared on the cover of a Bill Gaither DVD. We believe you may be referring to the chapel at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove. This is located at The Cove, PO Box 19223, Asheville, North Carolina 28815; Phone: (800) 950-2092; Website: We trust this information is helpful.
May God bless you.
K. C. James (jo)
Administrative Services
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association