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Long Description for Central Ohio Fire Museum
The museum opened in October 202, and hosts nearly 4,000 visitors each year, the vast majority being children in grades K – 2nd. However, people of all ages enjoy the diversity and history offered in this interactive museum setting.
The museum’s missions is to teach fire safety, education, prevention, and life saving procedures to all people in age-appropriate settings. Personalized individual tours are offered as well as classroom style settings for those who are looking for a more formal session.
Come visit “Fire Safety Way”, where our qualified fire safety instructors will educate using hands-on, interactive, informational, and fun displays emphasizing the importance of fire prevention.
After your child’s learning experience is done, let them explore the Play Area, where they can “drive” a real Fire Engine, dress up in Firefighter clothes, slide down a pole, and put out that stubborn “fire” with a real fire hose!!
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