RV outdoor showers are used by RVers to clean themselves off prior to entering the RV. Some usage scenarios on how people could or would use the outdoor shower on an RV will be listed here:
Since it is an outdoor shower, each bullet would start with “Washing off…”
- sand when camping at the beach.
- dirty kids who have been playing hard outside.
- sweaty people who have been out walking to stay in shape
- sweaty and dirty on-the-job workers – for example in Texas we have many traveling crews in RVs that work in our Eaglesford (sp?) Shale. They can cleanup before entering the RV.
- Rinsing off chemicals like chlorine when you’ve been swimming.
A collection of RV outdoor shower photos:
Outdoor Camper Shower Basics and Components
Most Outdoor RV showers will have a quick attach connection with a hot and cold water valve. They don’t come with much else.
Outdoor Shower Privacy Enclosures or Shelters – Where can you find them?
I think you’d want to create some form of privacy for your outdoor shower if you want to shower in your birthday suit. This is likely when you are coming home from work. Whereas when you have workout clothes you might just rinse the clothes on your body as well.
I have found some very good candidates for privacy on Amazon:
On Walmart I’ve found a good selection of Outdoor shower shelters
I didn’t find a very good shelter/enclosure on Camping World. I tried.
Outdoor Shower Stands
Since the usual outdoor shower on an RV has the valves, a quick attach hose connection, and if you bought your RV new, the actual shower hose and head – you will have to use one hand to hold the shower head.
What a pain in the rear. I did some searching and it turns out there are a number of outdoor shower stands. If you are going to truly take advantage of your outdoor shower on a regular basis then I would recommend getting a stand of some sort. I will admit that Sheri and I never used the outdoor shower in any of our RVs. But we also never fit any of the use cases at the top of this article.
I didn’t find much on Walmart for you to checkout.
Nor did I find anything on Camping World for outdoor shower stands.
Replacement or New Installation Outdoor Shower Kits
If you are feeling bold, you might decide to install an outdoor shower brand new in your RV. This assumes you don’t already have such a thing. The downsides to this is that you’ll end up cutting into your RV exterior and routing hot and cold water over to the exterior shower kit. This, to me, does not sound like an easy project. But I don’t like projects like that.
If you already have an outdoor shower box, then perhaps you are simply looking to replace that box. While I might ASSUME that the exterior showers are all a single standard size, I would recommend measuring the box carefully and then making sure whatever you buy is very similar. I think you CAN break the project into two pieces… the box – which is fairly unique since it truly makes the outdoor shower and the faucet and shower which both look to be very standard.
Of course whatever project you might try, you’ll need PEX, PEX tools, plumbers tape, wrenches and lots of patience. I did a similar project where I did install a shower surround in a lower cost RV.
I did go look around and see what I could find for you if you need an exterior shower entire kit.
On Walmart I’ve found a good selection of Exterior Shower Kits for RVs.
Camping World had a small handful of Exterior Shower Box Kits but not too many.
Interesting Potential Shower Privacy Concepts for your RV outdoor shower
One potential concept for privacy would be to have a portal outdoor shower screen. The downsides to this is that it would require some thought when you are transporting it.
Another neat idea is a D or U shape shower rod which could be attached to your RV (carefully) and then removed for travel. I liked this particular design since it is removable. Many of the others were not removable. This one did not have any ratings when I found it… so you’ve been warned.
Video Library regarding RV outdoor Shower how-to :
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